14-year-old died after eating poisonous cabbage: 5 other vegetables high in pesticides – Times of India

Leafy veggies are said to be rich in nutrients, but at the same time, they are prone to high levels of pesticides too, which can be fatal. In a recent incident in Sri Ganganagar district, a 14-year old girl died after eating cabbage leaf from her own field, which was sprayed with pesticides.
As per reports, in a heart-wrenching case of Sri Ganganagar district, a 14-year-old girl died after eating pesticide loaded cabbage leaf. She unknowingly plucked a leaf and ate it which became fatal for her. It is reported that on December 18, she plucked a cabbage leaf from her family field and ate it. After walking for a while, when the girl started feeling nauseous, she came home and told her family about her ill health.Later, she was admitted in a private hospital, where she died on the evening of 24 December during treatment that lasted for about a week.
During the investigation, it was found that the girl’s uncle that sprayed sprayed pesticide on the cabbages grown in the field, which became the reason for her illness and death too. According to the police, the case came to light when the girl’s father, Ashwini Kumar, registered a case on 25 December.
Also Read: 8 Simple ways to clean leafy vegetables
As per a report by International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences on Insecticide Use and Farmers Perception on Cabbage Cultivation in Nine Districts of Karnataka, India, Productivity of cabbage in India is much lower attributing to many causes and among them insect pests are the major constraints. It has been anticipated that insect pests alone cause 40 % to 100 % yield loss annually. The report also mentions the most common pesticides used in production of cabbage that include Phenthoate, Profenofos, Chlorpyrifos, Acephate, Monocrotophos, Dichlorvos, and Quinalphos.
Common pesticides used in vegetables
Common pesticides used to control pests and diseases in cabbage and other leafy vegetables include Pyrinex 48 EC and Perferthion, which are two of the most frequently used pesticides, accounting for 12% and 10% of pesticide usage, respectively. Other pesticides include Pyrethroids and Bypel. The former includes Lambda super, Attack, K-Optimal, PAWA, Regent 50SC, Golan, and Confidor and the latter combines viral and bacterial agents and is effective against insect infestations.
Common side effects of pesticides
The most common side effects of these pesticides include digestive issues like nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea due to ingestion of pesticide residues. Apart from these they also cause neurological problems like headaches, dizziness, and confusion. They can also cause respiratory issues like shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and irritation of the lungs and throat from inhaling pesticide residues. They also cause skin and eye irritation like allergic reactions, rashes, redness, and itching when in contact with pesticide-laden produce. Prolonged exposure has been linked to an increased risk of cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma. They also weaken the immunity, making the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases.
In a recent report, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the “Dirty Dozen,” which highlights the fruits and vegetables that are highly contaminated with pesticide residues and can pose health risks. The list includes the following vegetables that are prone to high levels of pesticides.
Spinach is listed among one of the most common leafy greens prone to contamination. Pesticides used on spinach can include organophosphates, which are linked to various health concerns. It is said that consuming spinach with pesticide residues may contribute to neurological effects and other health issues over time.

Kale is another popular leafy green that often carries high pesticide residues. Pesticides used on cabbage can include herbicides and insecticides. It is found in studies that persistent exposure to these chemicals can lead to digestive issues and long-term health effects.
Collard Greens
Collard greens are also listed due to their high levels of pesticide residues. The same types of pesticides used on lettuce and spinach are often used on collard greens. Similar to other leafy greens, pesticide residues on collard greens can have potential health risks if consumed regularly.
Tomatoes are commonly treated with pesticides to manage pests and diseases. Consuming tomatoes that are rich in pesticide residues can pose health risks, including potential carcinogenic effects.

Celery often has high levels of pesticide residues, including those used for pest control and to enhance growth. Prolonged exposure to pesticides on celery can lead to various health issues, including hormonal disruptions.
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