Jeera Haldi Water: 5 reasons to start your day with this detox water | – The Times of India

Jeera, or cumin, one of the common and oldest spices used in daily cooking. But did you know how helpful and valuable it is when it comes to health benefits? Jeera water isn’t just a trendy health drink; it has a rich history in many cultures. However, jeera water works its wonder on its own, but if you add a pinch of golden spice—turmeric—to it, it becomes a potent drink for your health. Here are 6 reasons people in India have been using Jeera haldi water:
Improves your digestion
Jeera haldi water helps with digestion and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In addition to preventing morning sickness, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, and constipation, it maintains the digestive tract in good condition. Additionally, jeera haldi water stimulates the release of enzymes that break down glucose, fat, and carbs.

Aids weight loss
Drinking jeera haldi water can help you lose weight. In order to melt more fat and prevent hunger, it will be beneficial to increase the body’s metabolic activity. Because of the fiber layer, it creates satiety that lasts for hours. Turmeric also improves the metabolism and helps in breaking down the food in a better way.
Beautifies skin and hair
Among the many advantages of consuming jeera haldi water is its ability to improve appearance. As a great natural detoxifier that removes toxins from your body, jeera water has amazing advantages for your skin. Additionally, the minerals calcium, potassium, manganese, and selenium found in jeera haldi water revitalize your skin.
Additionally, haldi or turmeric lowers acne and fights aging indications because of its antioxidant qualities. Additionally, jeera haldi water fortifies hair follicles, halting hair loss and encouraging the creation of shiny hair.
Lowers cholesterol
The waxy material known as cholesterol can obstruct your blood vessels, making it more difficult for your heart to pump blood. The “bad” cholesterol—the one you want to have less of—may be lowered by jeera haldi water. As a result, your arteries are less likely to become clogged, which facilitates your heart’s function. A fantastic strategy to keep your heart healthy is to reduce stress on it by relaxing your blood vessels and maintaining blood pressure.
Prevents anaemia
Because jeera haldi water is a strong source of iron, it can help those who suffer from anemia. Drinking jeera water on a regular basis can help increase hemoglobin levels and reduce weakness and fatigue symptoms.
How to prepare the jeera haldi detox water:
Boil half a spoon of cumin or jeera in 1 cup of water and bring it to a boil. Lower the flame, add a pinch of turmeric, and cover the lid. Let it simmer for another minute. Strain the mix into a cup and drink this lukewarm on an empty stomach. Maintain a half-hour gap between this beverage and breakfast.