Can our thoughts, words and emotions change our reality? | – The Times of India

Do our thoughts, words, and emotions have the power to shape the reality we live in? While it may sound like an idea straight out of a fantasy novel, evidence suggests that our inner world significantly influences our outer reality. Dr Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher and alternative medicine doctor, conducted a series of experiments that revealed how thoughts and emotions can impact physical matter. Here’s more on this subject and explore how positive and negative intentions might alter our lives.
Power of thoughts
Dr Emoto gained worldwide attention for his experiments on how human thoughts and emotions could affect water molecules. He hypothesised that water exposed to positive words and intentions would form beautiful, symmetrical crystals when frozen, while water exposed to negative words would create distorted, chaotic shapes.
In his experiments, he tested his theory by speaking different words to water samples. Positive affirmations like “love” and “gratitude” resulted in symmetrical ice crystals, while phrases like “I hate you” caused malformed, unattractive patterns. His findings became a visual proof to the idea that our thoughts and words carry vibrational energy capable of influencing the physical world.

Rice experiment: Words shape reality
Building on his water crystal research, Dr Emoto designed a simple and compelling experiment using cooked rice. The rice experiment highlights the transformative power of words and emotions, demonstrating how they can directly affect physical matter.
Here’s how the experiment works:
- Setup: Two airtight glass jars are filled halfway with cooked rice and enough water to cover it. One jar is labelled “Love” and the other “Hate.”
- Daily Interaction: Every day for a month, participants speak kind and loving words to the jar labelled “Love” and harsh, negative words to the jar labelled “Hate.”
- Observation: Over time, the rice in the “Hate” jar begins to rot and decay faster, while the rice in the “Love” jar ferments and remains in better condition.
This experiment suggests that the energy of our words and emotions directly influences physical objects, aligning with the belief that positivity promotes growth and negativity fosters destruction.
The science behind emotional energy
While Dr Emoto’s experiments are compelling, the scientific community has debated their validity, as the methodology lacked traditional scientific rigour. However, the concept of emotional energy affecting the body and surroundings is supported by other fields of research.
Stress and its effects on physical health have shown that negative emotions like anger and fear increase cortisol levels, leading to inflammation and weakened immunity. Positive emotions like gratitude and love trigger the release of oxytocin, reducing stress and fostering better health. This biological evidence suggests that our emotional states significantly shape our internal and external realities.
Can this change your life?
The idea that our thoughts, words, and emotions can alter reality has practical implications for our daily lives. If positive energy can influence water and rice, imagine the impact it could have on relationships, personal goals, and overall well-being.
Here are a few ways you can apply this principle:
- Practice
positive self-talk : Replace self-criticism with affirmations like “I am capable” or “I deserve happiness.” - Mindful communication: Speak kindly to others, focusing on uplifting language.
- Express gratitude: Start a
gratitude journal to focus on the good in your life.