Category: Fashion

Violet Jessop: Who was on board all three ships (Titanic, Britannic, Olympic) that sank | – Times of India
We have all heard about the infamous accidents, tragic losses, and mysterious sinkings of the Titanic, Britannic, and Olympic. The Titanic, which was announced as the unsinkable ship, sank in the deserted North Atlantic Ocean on April 14, 1912, when the ship hit an iceberg.Many lives were lost, and very few survived. The Britannic was…

Top Selling Beers in America: Top selling beers in each American state in 2024 From Bud Light to Snake River | – Times of India
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Although often (and perhaps mistakenly) attributed to Benjamin Franklin, this line captures the spirit of America’s enduring love affair with beer. The average American drinks around 28 gallons of beer annually, and each state has its own favourites and traditions, from the…

5 strategies parents should apply to kids for better marks in school – Times of India
Helping kids excel in school goes beyond just reminding them to finish their homework. It’s about setting up a supportive environment that cultivates a love for learning. If you want to give your child a little boost to achieve better marks, here are 5 strategies that can make a real difference. Set up a “learning…

Watch out for these chemicals in your cosmetics which can lead to breast cancer – Times of India
When it comes to beauty products, generally we mostly focus on their effectiveness. But have you ever considered how certain chemicals might directly impact your health? Various studies point out that some common ingredients in cosmetics, particularly parabens and phthalates, may be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Here’s what we need to…

‘Hilarious rejection’: Man gets rejected via email during interview
Pictorial representation of an interview.— Unsplash On Reddit, a man shares his amusing yet unfortunate rejection story. During a Zoom interview in which all hiring members were sitting, the man received an email informing him that he had been rejected for the role while he was still discussing the position with the heads. He shared…

Walking Benefits: How walking 5000 steps in 1 hour can burn more calories than walking same steps in 30 mins | – Times of India
The number of calories burned while walking 5,000 steps in an hour differs significantly from the calories burned in the same distance covered in 30 minutes. Sounds bizarre, right! Yes, this is how walking needs to be understood. The same number of steps can yield different outcomes based on the duration and other activities involved…

Couples share 6 simple changes they made for a happy marriage – Times of India
Representative Image (Credits: Canva) Most marriages require diligent efforts and adjustments in order to sustain happiness. Several couples are enjoying happier, fulfilling relationships by implementing these little meaningful changes into their daily lives. Changes can include better communication, fun rituals, or quality time with each other. These six stories showcase simple-yet-effective changes that couples are…

Meet Vivian Dsena’s gorgeous ex-wife Vahbiz Dorabjee
A fashion trendsetter for sure TV actress Vahbiz Dorabjee tied the knot with co-star Vivian Dsena in 2013 and the couple filed for divorce in 2021. The duo met on the sets of their television series ‘Pyar Ki Yeh Ek Kahaani’ and instantly fell for each other. Vivian Dsena moved on and remarried but the…

Bryan Johnson: My wrong posture was ‘slowly killing’ my brain: Millionaire Bryan Johnson shares his MRI findings | – Times of India
(Image: https://x.com/bryan_johnson) Millionaire Bryan Johnson is well known for arresting his growing age. The American entrepreneur and venture capitalist is the CEO of a company that creates devices that monitor and record brain activity. “Death is our only foe,” reads his Instagram bio.In a recent post, Bryan has shared how he fixed a posture issue….

Optical illusion personality test: Are you more logical or too emotional as a person? – Times of India
Optical illusion personality test, as the name suggests, are psychology-based strange-looking images that appear as illusions. However, they can help one know their lesser-known traits based on what they see first. For instance, this particular optical illusion personality test helps one know if you are more logical or too emotional as a person. How? Well,…