Weight Loss Mistakes: This woman lost 38 kg despite PCOS: Her top 10 weight loss mistakes to avoid | – The Times of India

Weight Loss Mistakes: This woman lost 38 kg despite PCOS: Her top 10 weight loss mistakes to avoid | – The Times of India

Losing weight with health conditions is far more difficult without having any autoimmune condition. To give you a motivational boost for losing weight, here’s a weight loss success story. A woman named Sujata recently shared her successful weight loss journey on Instagram, losing 38 kgs in 10 months despite having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She…

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THIS adorable couple has a Guinness World Record for the longest marriage: Their secret for a long and happy marriage – The Times of India

THIS adorable couple has a Guinness World Record for the longest marriage: Their secret for a long and happy marriage – The Times of India

Photo: Longeviquest/ Instagram It is often said that love is easy, but marriage is tough work. However, it looks like a couple in Brazil has cracked the code for a long and happy marriage. Meet 105-year-old Manoel Angelim Dino and his 101-year-old wife Maria de Sousa Dino, who have set a new Guinness World Record…

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