How was it like inside a whale’s mouth: Man who was swallowed alive by a whale and filmed by father shares experience – The Times of India

How was it like inside a whale’s mouth: Man who was swallowed alive by a whale and filmed by father shares experience – The Times of India

Here is a man who came back after an almost-death experience—one that saw him briefly swallowed by a humpback whale. Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father, Dell, in Bahía El Águila near the San Isidro Lighthouse in the Strait of Magellan when the unimaginable happened. As they navigated the waters, a massive humpback whale…

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Shloka Mehta Ambani nails the ‘less is more’ aesthetic at Randhir Kapoor’s birthday bash – The Times of India

Shloka Mehta Ambani nails the ‘less is more’ aesthetic at Randhir Kapoor’s birthday bash – The Times of India

Shloka Mehta, the badi bahu of the Ambani family, was recently spotted at Randhir Kapoor’s 78th birthday celebration, making a chic fashion statement with her effortless style. Known for her ability to balance comfort with trend, Shloka nailed the ‘less is more’ aesthetic with her simple yet stunning outfit. Let’s take a closer look at…

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