Ireland approves Palestinian ambassador for first time – SUCH TV

Ireland approves Palestinian ambassador for first time – SUCH TV

Ireland accepted the appointment of a full Palestinian ambassador for the first time on Tuesday, after Dublin formally recognised a Palestinian state earlier this year.

Senior ministers confirmed that Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid would step up from her current position as Palestinian Head of Mission to Ireland.

In May Dublin said it was recognising Palestine as a sovereign and independent state comprising the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and agreed to establish full diplomatic relations.

Spain and Norway recognised a Palestinian state the same day as Ireland, with Slovenia following a week later.

Formal diplomatic relations between Ireland and the State of Palestine were established in September.

Last month, the Palestinian Authority formally notified Dublin of its intention to upgrade its representation in Ireland from a diplomatic mission to a resident embassy under the 1961 Vienna Convention which guarantees protection for diplomatic staff.

The upgrade means that the diplomatic mission will now have the full range of privileges and immunities applicable under the Vienna Convention.

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