Optical illusion personality test: What you see first reveals what people think of you – Times of India

Optical illusion personality test: What you see first reveals what people think of you – Times of India

Optical illusion personality tests have become quite popular on social media these days. As the name suggests, these are psychology based tests that help in understanding one’s lesser-known traits. How? Well these are strange-looking images with one or more elements, and depending on what a person notices first in the picture a lot can be known about them.
This particular image, which is widely circulated on social media, claims to reveal what others think of you. The image has three main elements, namely: a horse, a singer, and a man’s face. Based on which one of these elements a person saw first, a lot can be understood about their lesser-known personality traits.
To take this test, simply look at the image and notice what you saw at first glance. Now read its interpretation below:
1. If you saw the horse first in the image


Then it means that people notice that you have intense eye contact. While some people don’t like this about you, others think that you can develop a deep sense of relationship with them with this intense eye contact.
2. If you saw the singer first in the image


Then it means that the first thing people notice about you is your sense of humour. You have a knack for noticing peculiar things in life, and your unique world view is what attracts people towards you.
3. If you saw the head first in the image

man's face

Then it means that the first thing people notice and appreciate about you is how comfortable you make them feel in your presence. This is also a quality that attracts people towards you.
While optical illusion personality tests are fun to take, it should also be noted that these tests give generic results and are not specific to people. And so, these tests are not 100 percent true and should be taken with a pinch of salt. They also help one relax and get to know themselves at a deeper level.
How accurate was this test for you? Tell us in the comments section below.
Also, do share these tests with your friends and family to know them better.

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