Orange yolk vs yellow yolk: Which eggs are healthier? | – The Times of India

Do you ever break an egg and find a very orange, almost sunset-pretty egg yolk? The bright tangerine color of the yolk is often considered healthier than the usual pale yellow yolk of the eggs. It is time to settle the debate about whether eggs with orange yolks are healthier than those with yellow yolks. While egg yolk colors can vary from rich orange to lighter yellow due to various factors, can the color of the yolk determine nutritional value? Let’s find out
What gives the color to the yolk?
The variation in egg yolk color stems from multiple factors related to the hen’s lifestyle and diet. A darker or more vibrant yolk usually reflects the hen’s diet, which can vary by the composition of their feed—the color of plant pigments as well as the amount of ingredients like corn. Hens that are able to forage for bugs in the grass or dirt will also likely produce eggs with darker yolks. The age and health of the hen and the season of egg production could also impact the color of the yolk.
The Journal of Poultry Science performed a study on the colour of egg yolk. A basal diet was given to one group of hens, and a food additive containing carotenoids was given to the other group. In comparison to the first group, the second group’s color was noticeably lighter and yellower. Researchers found that the yolk color can be enhanced by dietary carotenoids.
Characteristics of a yellow yolk egg
Hens fed corn and soy produce yellow yolks, whereas eggs laid by hens fed wheat tend to have pale yellow yolks. Yellow eggs are more likely to come from factory-farmed chickens, who are reared in cramped barns or cages with little to no exposure to the outdoors or sunshine.
Characteristics of an orange yolk egg
Deeper-colored yolks are generally associated with healthier eggs produced by chickens who are allowed to roam freely or that are fed a natural diet. Because of this, customers frequently request yolks that are deeper in color. In order to increase sales, several commercial farmers have started adding natural or artificial hues, such as marigolds or paprika, to the feed that their hens eat.
Is orange yolk more nutritious than yellow yolk?
The common belief that darker yolks indicate higher nutrient content isn’t entirely accurate. Hens that consume a high amount of carotenoids in their feed or eat a more varied diet through foraging can produce eggs that are higher in nutrients. However, the color of the yolk will not always indicate this. All eggs provide significant nutritional benefits regardless of yolk color. Eating whole eggs can provide a nutrient-dense meal or snack that is packed with protein; fat; vitamins—B-vitamins and vitamins A, D, E, and K; minerals like calcium, iron, iodine, selenium phosphorus, and zinc; choline; lutein; and zeaxanthin.
For consumers seeking the most nutritious eggs, several factors should be considered instead of yolk color. Egg size matters, as larger eggs contain more nutrients.

The diet of hen makes all the difference
Hens are able to produce eggs with a slightly higher omega-3 fatty acid content when they have been fed flaxseed, fish oils, or algae. However, the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in eggs is substantially lower than other sources, such as fish—mackerel, salmon, herring, and anchovies—ground or milled flaxseed, edamame, chia seeds, canola oil, and walnuts. Price comparison between different egg sizes can help consumers maximize nutritional value for their money.
Therefore, no matter the color yolk you choose, make sure you eat enough eggs every day to get plenty of good egg nutrition.