The Classic Resort Beach is Being Rethought

The Classic Resort Beach is Being Rethought

Let’s buck the trend, a local marine biologist suggested. In 2018, as the Maldives, a nation of nearly 1,200 islands in the Arabian Sea, continued its transformation into a luxury tourist destination, the country’s handbook for resort developers called sea grass meadows in the country’s shallow lagoons “aesthetically unappealing,” suggesting that it was “very important…

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Affordable Winter Trips in the Caribbean

Affordable Winter Trips in the Caribbean

When it’s cold in northern North America, it’s high season in the warm reaches of the south — especially in the Caribbean — as snowbirds flock to sunnier shores. High season ushers in high prices, but bargain seekers can claim a stretch of sand by considering the value of all-inclusive resorts that bundle meals and…

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