His Death Was Interrupted, Just as He Had Planned

His Death Was Interrupted, Just as He Had Planned

The family of Brendan Costello gathered in the hospital half-light. He had overcome so much in life, but the profound damage to his brain meant he would never again be Brendan. It was time. Brendan had spent four months enduring three surgeries and a lengthy rehab after infections further destabilized his damaged spine. He had…

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Readers Share Their Near-Death Experiences

Readers Share Their Near-Death Experiences

In early 1988, the British neuropsychiatrist Dr. Peter Fenwick, an expert on near-death experiences, appeared in the BBC documentary “Glimpses of Death” to comment on the near-death visions of people who had briefly died, or nearly died, and then come back to life. After it aired, thousands of people wrote him letters describing similar stories….

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