The Classic Resort Beach is Being Rethought

The Classic Resort Beach is Being Rethought

Let’s buck the trend, a local marine biologist suggested. In 2018, as the Maldives, a nation of nearly 1,200 islands in the Arabian Sea, continued its transformation into a luxury tourist destination, the country’s handbook for resort developers called sea grass meadows in the country’s shallow lagoons “aesthetically unappealing,” suggesting that it was “very important…

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Plesiosaur Fossils Preserve Both Skin and Scales on Ancient Sea Monster

Plesiosaur Fossils Preserve Both Skin and Scales on Ancient Sea Monster

With serpentine necks, flippers and a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth, plesiosaurs have captured imaginations since paleontologists uncovered the first specimen more than two centuries ago. Their skeletal anatomy is well documented, but their external appearance has largely remained a mystery. Now researchers have conducted the first detailed analysis of plesiosaur soft tissue, offering a…

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Monterey Bay Aquarium Director Julie Packard to Retire

Monterey Bay Aquarium Director Julie Packard to Retire

Julie Packard, the marine biologist who has presided over the Monterey Bay Aquarium since it opened in 1984 and shepherded it through the Covid pandemic, announced her retirement as executive director on Wednesday. Ms. Packard has helped repurpose the thick-glassed fish museums of old into potent forces for ocean conservation action. Built with a $55…

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