The Classic Resort Beach is Being Rethought

The Classic Resort Beach is Being Rethought

Let’s buck the trend, a local marine biologist suggested. In 2018, as the Maldives, a nation of nearly 1,200 islands in the Arabian Sea, continued its transformation into a luxury tourist destination, the country’s handbook for resort developers called sea grass meadows in the country’s shallow lagoons “aesthetically unappealing,” suggesting that it was “very important…

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Profits, Not D.E.I., Are Why Companies Exist

Profits, Not D.E.I., Are Why Companies Exist

A prominent group of chief executives said almost six years ago that making profits for shareholders was only part of their business — and not necessarily the main part. Speaking collectively as the Business Roundtable, C.E.O.s from companies like Johnson & Johnson, FedEx, Wells Fargo and Amazon said that, really, they were devoted to serving…

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