“Guitar shark” and snail with venomous “harpoons” among 866 new marine species discovered in ocean

“Guitar shark” and snail with venomous “harpoons” among 866 new marine species discovered in ocean

Over 800 marine species were newly discovered after two years of collaborative efforts by scientists, governments, museums and others participating in the Ocean Census, a global alliance founded to accelerate the discovery of marine life. New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the…

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Scientists say they’ve discovered the world’s biggest coral, so huge it was mistaken for a shipwreck

Scientists say they’ve discovered the world’s biggest coral, so huge it was mistaken for a shipwreck

Scientists say they have found the world’s largest coral near the Pacific’s Solomon Islands, announcing Thursday a major discovery “pulsing with life and color.” The coral is so immense that researchers sailing the crystal waters of the Solomon archipelago initially thought they’d stumbled across a hulking shipwreck. “Just when we think there is nothing left…

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White blobs washing up on Newfoundland beaches stump experts and worry resident beachcombers

White blobs washing up on Newfoundland beaches stump experts and worry resident beachcombers

Toronto — Beaches across Canada’s far northeast Newfoundland and Labrador province have increasingly been littered with mysterious white blobs. Their appearance has so far befuddled scientists, and led Canadian officials in the region to launch an investigation. Beachgoers first noticed the unusual blobs on the shores of Newfoundland and Labrador in September. People quickly started sharing…

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