What Kind of Workout Clothes Are Best for the Environment?

What Kind of Workout Clothes Are Best for the Environment?

Chances are, your favorite exercise attire is synthetic, made from petroleum-based fibers like nylon, spandex and polyester. Materials that don’t exactly scream “climate friendly.” Natural fibers have issues, too: Growing cotton can use huge amounts of water and pesticides, the sheep that give us wool emit methane, and processing bamboo can produce a lot of…

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What Kind of Dog Poop Bags Should I Use?

What Kind of Dog Poop Bags Should I Use?

Americans own around 90 million dogs. They provide companionship, reduce stress and help us stay active. They also produce about 12.2 million tons of waste per year. Most of it ends up in landfills, where it generates planet-warming methane. And, all those poop bags can shed microplastics into the environment. Here’s how you can reduce…

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Are Smart Thermostats Worth the Money?

Are Smart Thermostats Worth the Money?

Smart thermostats first hit the market in the early 2010s as a way to strategically cut your electricity bill while still keeping your home nice and cozy. Brands claim up to 26 percent savings on heating and cooling bills. But some experts say that’s an overstatement. The Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, estimates approved smart…

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