These Corals Are Made for Walking

These Corals Are Made for Walking

Corals come in a wide array of shapes, sizes and colors, and they build sprawling reefs that serve as refuges for vast amounts of biodiversity in the ocean. But they are not known for being fleet of foot. This is because out of the more than 6,000 species of coral known to science, most are…

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Mother Chimp and Daughter Share a Special Sign

Mother Chimp and Daughter Share a Special Sign

Parents and their children, or people who know each other well, often share some expression that is unique to them — a phrase or gesture that began by happenstance but gradually acquired a meaning that only they know. The same is true of Beryl, a chimpanzee living in Kibale National Park, in Uganda, and her…

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Do Chimps Who Pee Together Stay Together?

Do Chimps Who Pee Together Stay Together?

Ena Onishi, a doctoral student at Kyoto University, has spent over 600 hours watching chimpanzees urinating. She has a good reason for all that peeping, though. She is part of a team of researchers that recently discovered that the primates tend to tinkle when they see nearby chimps do the same. In a study published…

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Trump Picks Ex-Congressman to Manage U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

Trump Picks Ex-Congressman to Manage U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

President-elect Donald J. Trump has picked Brandon Williams, a former Navy officer and one-term congressman, to become the keeper of the nation’s arsenal of thousands of nuclear bombs and warheads. Mr. Trump’s selection is a shift from a tradition in which the people who served as administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration typically had…

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