Walking Technique: This is the right way to move your hands while walking | – Times of India

Walking Technique: This is the right way to move your hands while walking | – Times of India

Walking is one of the most effective and simplest forms of exercise for one to do. It can improve your overall health, boost your mood, and help maintain a healthy weight. However, many people overlook a crucial aspect of walking, the movement of their hands. Engaging your hand while walking not only enhances your workout but also contributes to better posture and overall fitness.


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Role of arm and hand movement while walking
As you walk, your legs surely get great exercise. Do you realize that your arms are probably playing a major part in your activity? The natural swinging of your arms helps to balance your body and can even make walking more efficient. Swinging your arms while you walk reduces the energy that goes into creating movement, making it an efficient workout or movement.
If you try to walk without swinging your arms or swinging them in an unnatural manner, for example, swinging the left arm with the left leg you’ll immediately discover how clumsy and tiring it feels. The correct technique involves letting your arms swing naturally from the shoulders, moving forward with one arm as the opposite leg steps forward. This not only aids balance but provides a more stronger stride.
How to improve your walking technique?
Improving your walking technique can give you better fitness results, especially if you want to lose weight or increase your stamina. Standing tall with good posture allows your muscles to work through a greater range of motion, which means more powerful strides. Proper posture also makes you feel more confident and can even make you appear slimmer without any weight loss. Adding simple hand exercises during your walk can enhance circulation and improve coordination.
What is the proper way to move your hands while walking?
Incorporating hand exercises into your walking routine is not only feasible but also beneficial for overall fitness. Here are some easy hand exercises you can perform while on the move:
Fist clenches: Alternate clenching your fists tightly and opening them wide. This exercise improves grip strength and reduces stiffness.
Finger taps: Tap each finger to the thumb in succession from index to pinky and then back. This will help in dexterity and will engage fine motor muscles.
Wrist rotations: Hold your arms slightly out and rotate your wrists in circles, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. This helps reduce tension and improve flexibility in the wrists.
Finger spreads: Spread fingers as far apart as possible and bring them back together. This improves finger flexibility and prevents stiffness at the joints.
Thumb extensions: Stretch your thumb outward as far as possible, then fold it across your palm toward the base of your pinky. This strengthens thumb muscles and improves grip.


By combining these hand exercises with walking, you create a holistic workout that engages multiple parts of your body at once. This not only improves circulation but also adds an upper-body workout component, making each walk more effective.

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