What do your toes reveal? Find out your hidden personality traits with this fun test – Times of India

What do your toes reveal? Find out your hidden personality traits with this fun test – Times of India

While optical illusion personality tests are quite popular these days as they claim to reveal one’s hidden traits, there are some personality tests that can tell a lot about a person based on how they look. Yes, you read that right! Be it the shape of one’s forehead or the arch of their feet, such features can reveal a person’s lesser-known personality. For instance, a person with a high arch is said to be intellectual and independent. While those with a low arch are grounded and extroverts in nature.
Similarly, it is said that even the type of toes one has can say a lot about them! There are mainly two types of toes— Greek toes and Egyptian toes, and based on which one a person has can subtly hint at their personality traits. Intrigued? Then read on to know what these toe types are and their meanings:
1. Egyptian toes: What is it and personality traits linked to it

Egyptian toes

When a person’s big toe is the longest and the others are in descending order (as shown in the image above), then they are said to have Egyptian toes. Such people are generally said to be friendly, outgoing, and creative. They can easily handle challenges in life, including difficult people. They love travelling, meeting new people, and learning about new cultures and things. In their personal relationships, they are known to be loyal, committed, and very trustworthy. In work life, they are quite hard working and often have creative solutions to problems– and this makes them an inspiration to many. While they are friendly and liked by most people, they are extremely private people and not many know them truly.
2. Greek toes: What is it and personality traits linked to it

Greek toes

On the other hand, people who have Greek toes– their second toe is often longer than the others. This type of feet is also called fire toes or flame foot. People with Greek toes are generally passionate and energetic in life. They are always up for one thing or the other, and are impulsive and risk-takers, which can also get them into trouble at times. Such people are intuitive and their aura often draws others towards them, who admire them. They are dreamers and are known for their unique new ideas which are inspiring for others. Overall, such people are idealistic and optimistic, and they are empathetic towards others. However, they are also quick to temper and might shut people out if they cross their boundaries.

What do your shoes say about you?

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